Apply for VISA to Spain In Kuwait flag
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All the contents of this site are only for general information or use. They do not constitute advice and should not be relied upon in making (or refraining from making) any decision. The information from or through this site is provided on "AS IS" basis, and all warranties, expressed or implied of any kind, regarding any matter pertaining to any information including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement are disclaimed and excluded.

It must be noted that the grant or refusal of the visa is at the sole discretion of the Embassy and BLS International is neither involved in the process nor is liable or responsible in any manner whatsoever for any delay in processing or grant or rejection of the visa application of any applicant by the Embassy/Consulate, which reserves the right to ask for further documentation and to refuse the visa application.

BLS International and its parent, affiliates and associates shall not be liable, at any time for damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business projects, or loss of profits) arising in contract, tort or otherwise from the use of or inability to use the Site, or any of its contents, or from any Act or omission arising from using the site contents or for any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of information contained on the site. No representations, warranties or guarantees whatsoever are made as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information to a particular situation.

Certain links on the Site may lead to resources located on servers maintained by third parties over whom BLS International has no control or connection, business or otherwise as these sites are external to BLS International. You agree and understand that by visiting such sites you are beyond the BLS International website. BLS International, therefore neither endorses nor offers any judgment or warranty and accepts no responsibility or liability for the authenticity/availability of any of the information or for any damage, loss or harm, direct or consequential or any violation of local or international laws that may be incurred by your visit and/or transaction/s on these sites.

BLS International shall have no liability for any delays, or for loss of or damage to any visa application, passport or other documents, caused by, or occurring whilst any application, passport or document is in the possession of, any third party postal or courier service, including transportation of visa applications, passport or other documents between BLS International and Embassy of Spain/Spain Consulate; and while being returned by BLS International to the visa applicant.

Short Messaging Services Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions

  • The Short Messaging Service ('SMS') provided to Visa Applicants is to update on current status to the applicant with regards to Visa Application Process. The information provided by SMS is based on the information provided by the Embassy of Spain Kuwait. While BLS ensures that information is made available to the visa applicant promptly and accurately, the Visa Applicant shall at all times be responsible for providing and maintaining an SMS text compatible mobile phone number where BLS can send text messages regarding the status of the Visa Application to the Visa Applicant. The Visa Applicant is responsible for ensuring connection to a mobile network capable of receiving the SMS Services. The Visa Applicant understands that if The Visa Applicant's mobile phone is switched off, disconnected for any reasons or is out of coverage for a period of 24 hours or more, The Visa Applicant’s mobile network provider may delete any SMS messages to be received by The Visa applicant.
  • The time to deliver the SMS is dependent on several factors such as upon the traffic on the mobile network and whether The Visa Applicant mobile phone is within reach and switched on and cannot therefore be guaranteed by BLS. BLS is not a mobile network operator and does not guarantee the delivery of SMS text messages.
  • The Visa Applicant confirms that the Visa Applicant has provided the accurate mobile number for receiving SMS and that the Visa Applicant is the owner or its legitimate user, or that the Visa Applicant has the consent of the owner or legitimate user, of the mobile phone using for the Services. The Visa Applicant acknowledges that using another person's mobile phone/providing inaccurate mobile phone number/unauthorized use of mobile phone number for receiving the SMS may entail disclosure of Visa Applicant ‘s confidential information which disclosure shall be at the sole risk of the Visa Applicant
  • The Services, once purchased, will be available to the Visa Applicant from the time of application till complete processing of the application or such other period as BLS may advise via our website located at in BLS reserves the right to withdraw this service at any time and without notice.
  • The Visa Applicant must not use (or permit any third party to use) the SMS Service to send any message or communication which is Spam, illegal, offensive, abusive, indecent, obscene or menacing or causes annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety or infringes the rights of third parties. BLS reserves the right to withdraw the SMS service to such Visa Applicant if The Visa Applicant is in breach of this paragraph. BLS may also withdraw the Services if BLS in its sole discretion apprehends that the SMS service is being used for such purposes.
  • For operational reasons BLS may vary the technical specification of the Services with or without notice. In the event of any change to the Service these Terms and Conditions is to be treated as varied accordingly.
  • The Visa Applicant acknowledges that the SMS Services may, at any time, be adversely affected by problems with The Visa Applicant mobile phone network, force majeure events including, without limitation, interference to the network coverage. BLS is not responsible or liable to The Visa Applicant for any loss, damage or expenses incurred directly or indirectly by The Visa Applicant as a result of any difficulties experienced by the Visa Applicant‘s mobile phone service provider. Subject to the constraints described within this paragraph 7, BLS shall carry out the services with reasonable care and skill
  • If The Visa Applicant does not receive SMS relating to these Services. The Visa Applicant should inform BLS through email or Helpline numbers.
  • The SMS service delivers the Visa Application Status based on the information received by BLS from Embassy of Spain in Kuwait.
  • To use the Services, The Visa Applicant should refer to the instructions available on the website. The Visa Applicant agrees to comply with all instructions we may give concerning the Services, including any security instructions. We will be entitled to treat any failure by Visa Applicant themselves to comply with these instructions as a breach of these Terms and Conditions, which will entitle us to deny Visa Applicant access to the Services.
  • The Visa Applicant is responsible for paying charges for the message origination. Charges once paid for SMS service will not be refunded under any circumstances.
  • The Visa Applicant shall at its sole risk be responsible for taking all reasonable steps to prevent unauthorized persons gaining access to the Services.
  • While BLS takes every precaution transmission of information to transmit information. BLS shall not be responsible or liable for any unforeseen events and circumstances beyond the reasonable control of BLS.
  • BLS may in its sole discretion temporarily suspend the provision of the Services if such provision could materially affect the quality of any telecommunications service, including the Services, provided by BLS.
  • BLS specifically excludes all liability of any kind (including negligence) in respect of any third party information or other material made available on, or which can be accessed using SMS text services.
  • This Terms and Conditions are governed by the law of Kuwait and both parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Kuwait.

Data Protection Notice

  • Collection of data
    The privacy and protection of personal data is very important to BLS, including all its other brands and affiliates (hereinafter). BLS complies with any mandatory data protection legislation when collecting and processing personal data. Whenever you are in the process of applying for SMS Service through a visa application center we may collect and store (subject to Embassy guidelines), as the case may be, the following information: Your Full Name, Your Mobile Number & Email id, Your Language Preference of SMS, and the country for which you have applied for a VISA for the purposes of processing your visa application.
  • Disclosure to third parties
    In accordance with all mandatory data protection legislation your data may be disclosed to third parties processing data on behalf of BLS. In this context your data may also be transferred abroad. Your data may be disclosed within BLS to other than the collecting entity. Data may be used by these other BLS entities to the same extent as the collecting BLS entity is entitled to use it. Your data is treated as confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties, save for the purpose of BLS fulfilling its contractual obligations visa is you, or if required under mandatory law, particularly if requested by the competent authorities or for the purpose of enforcing BLS's rights.
  • Use of data
    Collected data will be processed in good faith and will be used in order to transmit your Visa Application status via SMS & Email. We do not intend to use your information for any other purpose.

Beware of fraudulent job offers

Fraudulent Recruitment / Employment Offers

It has come to BLS International attention that, individuals misrepresenting themselves as BLS International agents or representatives have approached people to offer fraudulent/fictitious employment opportunities, with the intent to steal personal information or solicit money from people. We encourage you to exercise caution and common sense when receiving any such employment offer, which requires payment of any fees/money, or promises a work visa in exchange for money. The said offers are completely fake and not valid. BLS International is not a Recruitment agency and does not offer recruitment services. Scammers operate primarily via the internet, email, phone etc. We warn people to beware of such scams.

Please be advised that, BLS International is a visa processing company and we work only with government and diplomatic missions to fulfil their administrative requirements of visa application processing. Neither BLS International nor its representatives will ask for money from individuals under any circumstances to lure them with employment opportunities either in BLS International or outside. If you receive any offer that purports to be from BLS International, which ask for money, these types of offers are fraudulent.

Warning signs of recruitment fraud

The following are some examples of recruitment fraud which are in violation of BLS International's processes and ethical practices:

  • The email is not sent from an official BLS International e-mail address but from a free e-mail service such as: Hotmail, Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc. It is also possible that, the email is sent from a fake email address.
  • You are asked to disclose private or confidential information.
  • You are asked to be interviewed over the phone or via an instant-messenger type program.
  • You are requested to pay fees/money.
  • You are requested to complete bogus recruitment documentations such as an application or employment visa forms, (the BLS International name and logo could be forged/fabricated and featured on the documentation without authority).
  • Insistence on urgency.
  • Money will be requested for processing Work Permits, Visa applications or the like.

Such actions are presumably intended to defraud or obtain personal information from the victims.

The activities of these individuals involve criminal and civil liabilities. While BLS International takes such matter seriously and reserves its right to contact competent law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute such illegal activities, it is often difficult to locate and prosecute these individuals.

Therefore, if you receive a request, either in writing or verbally, for an interview or a job offer that you believe is or might be fraudulent or suspicious, please disregard them. You may also verify the same with BLS International at

If you come to know that a fraud is being perpetrated, we encourage to forthwith contact your local police and/or any competent authorities and also to keep us informed by reporting the fraud at

Under no circumstances will BLS International be liable or responsible for any loss, damages, expenses or inconvenience resulting from these unauthorized persons and/or activities.